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Alquerplus Ruminatorio

Rumination stimulant, probiotic

Alquerplus Ruminatorio

Rumination stimulant, probiotic

Premix powder


ALQUERPLUS RUMINATORIO is a stimulant of the rumination process. Its components favor the rapid development of the ruminal flora, responsible for the transformation of feed into assimilable nutrients and, therefore, facilitate the digestion of fatty acids and the synthesis of glycogen. In addition, it provides probiotics that help to repopulate and balance the ruminal flora, and pronutrients, active molecules of botanical origin, which stimulate digestive physiology.


ALQUERPLUS RUMINATORIO is administered mixed with the concentrate at a dose of 250 g every 12 hours (cattle) or 65-135 g every 24 hours (sheep and goats).


Certain statements may not be applicable in all geographical zones and the claims of the products may differ based on government requirements of each country.

Product availability may vary by country. For specific information, contact us.

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