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Effect of Alquernat Livol, hepatorregenerative pronutrients, on sows and piglets


This study, carried out from May to August 2016 in Colombia, aimed to evaluate the zootechnical response of the litters when administering Alquernat Livol, hepatorregenerative pronutrients, in liquid presentation, during the last third of gestation of the sows.


For the study, 28 female Topigs were used in the last third of gestation, divided into two lots, with 7 repetitions of 2 females each. That is, each lot has 14 mothers.


  • TREATED BATCH: Fed a basal diet mixed with pronutrients at a dose of 5 ml per serving of feed in a pulsatile manner for a total of 30 days.
  • CONTROL BATCH: Fed only the basal diet for a total of 30 days.


As it can be seen in the tables and the graph below, the weight at birth was slightly lower in the treated batch, although at weaning it exceeded the control batch by 180 grams. The number of weaned piglets per female was also 0.79 points higher.

Table 1 and 2: Productive parameters obtained at birth and at weaning of piglets.

In the graphs above, the difference in weight of the piglets at birth is observed on the left, and on the right the weight difference of the piglets at weaning.



The use of these hepatorregenerative pronutrients allowed to increase the number of weaned piglets and their weaning weight, so, thanks to a better liver health of the mothers, their performance was improved.

The products used in this test are marketed by Biovet S.A. Laboratories, under the name of Alquernat Livol L.

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