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Biovet poultry technical seminar in Bucaramanga

The technical and commercial teams of International Pharmacy SAS and Biovet S.A. Laboratories organized a technical workshop in Bucaramanga attended by poultry farmers and poultry technicians in the region of Santander (Colombia).

The meeting began with the presentation of Biovet by Lic. Edgar Sanchez, then Dr. Júlia Pié made an explanation about the products of pronutrients’ line and mycotoxin binders of Biovet.

The day concluded with a symposium on animal nutrition and marketing of poultry products, with particular emphasis on products that have added value not containing chemical elements in their composition.

This day was a meeting point for technicians and professionals who had the opportunity to learn more about the products Biovet, as well as discuss the growing importance of the concept of welfare in animal production.

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