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Biovet joins the global celebration of world egg day

Eggs are an essential food in many cultures because they are affordable and highly nutritious

World Egg Day will be celebrated on October 9th this year in 153 countries to highlight the importance and benefits of this food for human nutrition. The egg is an easy-to-cook food rich in proteins and healthy fats and has multiple nutritional qualities.

The egg, essential due to its nutritional value

The egg is part of the gastronomy of many cultures. This is because it is readily available, affordable, and comes protected with an eggshell, which facilitates its transportation and storage. It is a complete and balanced food that is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals that contribute to the daily requirements.

Egg consumption is particularly important in young people because it contains nutrients that are essential for growth, as well as in older people, because it is a highly nutritious food that is easy to eat, which makes it ideal when the appetite diminishes.

Biovet S.A. is compromised with egg quality

High-quality eggs have better nutritional properties because they have a higher nutrient concentration. In addition, good eggshell quality allows a better protection of the egg content to maintain it under perfect conditions.

Biovet S.A. conducts research to develop natural solutions that enhance egg internal and external quality. The company has already designed different products intended for layers, that can be used in rearing and production, among which there is Alquernat Nebsui.

More eggs and better eggs with Alquernat Nebsui

Digestive health is tightly related to egg quality. This is because the elements that are used to form the yolk, the egg white and the eggshell need to be absorbed in the intestines to be available for egg synthesis.

Alquernat Nebsui is a product based on intestinal conditioner pronutrients that physiologically improve the status of the intestinal mucosa. The product optimizes digestion processes and increases the availability of nutrients necessary for egg synthesis, which also leads to enhanced laying rates and egg quality.

More specifically, Alquernat Nebsui activates specific genes in the enterocytes, cells of the digestive mucosa in charge of digestion and nutrient absorption, that enhance mucosa regeneration and other specific activities of these cells.

Adding this product to feed or water in pullets is effective to improve homogeneity, growth, and feed conversion. During egg production, it increases the laying rate, helps to obtain highly qualified eggs and prevents enteric infections, too.

Validated efficacy of Alquernat Nebsui in layers

The efficacy of Alquernat Nebsui in layers has been broadly studied in multiple field trials where it positively affected egg production.

More specifically, in a trial conducted at Mississippi State University in the Unites States, these pronutrients in drinking water enhanced the laying rate by 3%. Moreover, they improved feed conversion by 5%, which was calculated according to the relation between feed intake and the amount of eggs produced.

Improvement in nutrient absorption thanks to Alquernat Nebsui also lead to a 4.5% increase in the utilization of dietary carotenoids, so that eggs had a brighter color. With pronutrients, egg internal quality and egg weight increased by 1.9 and 0.4, respectively.


Charts show that birds with Alquernat Nebsui produced 2% more kg of eggs, and that they had a more intense color despite birds were fed the exact same diet (except for the tested additive that did not contain any carotenoid).

In conclusion, this trial proved, once more, that Alquernat Nebsui improves digestion processes and indirectly enhances egg production and egg quality in layers. The product is not only highly effective but has many other advantages such as it does not leave residues in animals nor in the eggs, it does not need a withdrawal period and does not create microbial resistances.



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