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Commercial visits to Bangladesh

Last week, Biovet representatives visited the distributor for Bangladesh, Doctor’s Agro-Vet. Together, they undertook sales visits to the company’s main customers.

Poultry and aquaculture companies, feed producers and the most important companies in the country were visited throughout the week. The products that were of most interest were Alquermold Natural, as a bactericide and fungicide, Alquerfeed Antitox, the mycotoxin binder based on Sylicolglycidol and Alquernat Nebsui, the intestinal conditioner based on pronutrients.

Alquernat Yucca was also promoted for feed companies, to reduce the level of ammonia in poultry and aquaculture farms.

ALQUERNAT YUCCA reduces the production of ammonia at the digestive level and in faeces, reducing environmental ammonia levels by up to 80%. Therefore, it has a positive effect on animal welfare and productive performance. Its effect is based on the combined action of saponins and phenolic compounds from the yucca extract with the cimenol ring, which enhances the action of the product.

Commercial visits to Bangladesh

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