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Visit to Beijing Chengzhi Zhonghe Biotechnology Co. headquarters

During the month of May, a representative of Biovet S.A. undertook a visit to Beijing, to the headquarters of the distributor Beijing Chengzhi Zhonghe Biotechnology Co.

The company’s offices and main warehouses were visited, business relations were resumed and new strategies for the growth of the Chinese market were established.

LThe products distributed by Beijing Chengzhi Zhonghe Biotechnology Co. are Alquerfeed Antitox – a mycotoxin binder based on Silicoglycidol – and Alquermold Natural – a natural preservative with bactericidal and fungicidal activity for raw materials and feed.

Alquerfeed Antitox is composed of Silicoglycidol, an optimized molecule with a high mycotoxin binding capacity and a broad spectrum of action, effective at low doses (0.5 kg/t). In addition, it is effective in all pH conditions of the digestive tract, and does not interact with nutrients in the diet. Thanks to its characteristics, it prevents all the negative effects caused by any type of mycotoxin.

Alquermold Natural is a natural preservative with bactericidal and fungicidal activity for raw materials and feed. It combines an active ingredient called cimenol ring and citric acid. It also acts as an intestinal biocide to promote the balance of intestinal flora. It is effective against Salmonella, E. coli, Clostridium, Pseudomonas, Campylobacter and Staphylococcus, among others, and promotes beneficial intestinal flora.

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