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Symposium Biovet 2016: Pronutrients’ session

The session dedicated to the new developments in research of pronutrients’ use in animal nutrition was moderated by Dr. Rosario Moyano, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary of Córdoba, and dictated by Drs. Anna Tesouro and Nuria Martin from Biovet S.A. and Dr. Coltin Caraway from the University of North Carolina.

In this session was exposed the genetic target of pronutrients’ action mechanism and the results obtained by its application in nutrition to improve the physiology of the intestinal mucosa and immunity system.

The objective of this research is the reduction or elimination of the use of chemicals in animal nutrition, keeping production parameters, thanks to the improvement of the physiology of cells of different organs or organ systems, the farm animals, obtained by the inclusion of pronutrients in the diet of farm animals, the same as for the wild animals are achieved on these plants amntioned pronutrients. This practice increases safety in the final product (meat) by reducing the use of chemicals in animal feed and consequently better human health.



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