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Use of Alquernat Nebsui, intestinal conditioner pronutrients, in broilers


Evaluation of the effect on productive parameters of using Alquernat Nebsui, an intestinal conditioner, administered “ON TOP” (without replacing Antibiotic Growth Promoters or AGPs) continuously in feed during all productive life (42 days) in broilers. This information is obtained from field results of farms in the Antioquia region (Colombia).


A total of 65.076 birds were used for the trial, which were separated in two batches:

  • Treated batch (31.620 birds) fed with basal diet + AGPs + intestinal conditioner pronutrients at a dose of 0,5 kg/Tn.
  • Control batch (33.455 birds) fed only with basal diet + AGPs.


Treated batch showed that productive parameters like mortality, weight and conversion rate were improved by the addition of intestinal conditioner pronutrients, as seen in the chart below (Chart 1).

Chart 1. Productive parameters and differences between batches (FCR = Feed Conversion Rate;

P.I. = Productivity index (Efficiency/FCR); Efficiency = (survival x weight x 100) / feed intake.)


Treated batch with intestinal conditioner pronutrients showed a considerable improvement in productive parameters regarding to control batch: the first one obtained less mortality (2,44% vs. 7,37%), a better average weight (+370 gr), a better FCR (1,51 vs 1,65), a better productivity index (+32,54) and a better efficiency (+37,3), while the sanitary status of both batches was normal.

This natural product based on intestinal conditioner pronutrients is commercially available wiht the name of Alquernat Nebsui, manufactured and developed by Biovet S.A. Laboratories.

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