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Use of Alquerzim to improve digestibility in broilers diets

‘Optimization of commercial diets using Alquerzim’ was the first session of the Biovet Symposium. The conference explained the results of a trial which evaluates the use of Alquerzim (developed by Biovet S.A.) in broilers. It is an enzymatic effective to improve digestibility and the utilization of diets baed on corn, soy, and wheat.

Use of intestinal optimizer pronutrients to stimulate the intestinal immunity against coccidiosis

Pronutriens are an effective and completely natural tool to boost the animal immune system, so that it can eliminate coccidia. They physiologically stimulate local immune cells in the gut and, since they do not directly affect the parasites, they do not create resistances.

Alquermold Natural, natural solution to control necrotic enteritis

On March 15, 2021 Biovet S.A. presented a trial in the Western Poultry Disease Conference (WPDC) about the use of cimenol ring to control necrotic enteritis in experimentally infected broilers. The results demonstrated cimenol ring’s efficacy against Clostridium perfringens which makes it effective to control necrotic enteritis.

Improving the feed conversion rate in broilers with intestinal conditioner pronutrients

Improving feed conversion is key to reduce costs in a farm and, therefore, has a positive impact on economic performance. This improvement can be achieved by adding intestinal conditioner pronutrients in the diets and/or the drinking water, since they are essential molecules necessary for the gut mucosa to work properly.

Improvement of the efficiency of pig production with intestinal conditioner pronutrients

Natural solutions, like Alquernat Nebsui, based on intestinal conditioner pronutrients, are the best choice to enhance gut welfare, reduce the negative impact of diarrhea and enhance nutrients’ utilisation, which would ultimately lead to an improved feed conversion rate (FCR) and farmers’ ROI (Return of Investment) in pig production.

Biovet International Symposium 2021

Next Thursday March 18, Biovet S.A. will hold the first online session of the Biovet International Symposium. This time recent studies on preservatives, mycotoxin binders and enzymes will be presented.

Silicoglycidol meets all conditions to be highly effective against mycotoxicosis

El pasado 21 de enero, el equipo técnico de Biovet S.A. realizó una videoconferencia técnica para sus distribuidores y clientes de Bangladesh, Irlanda, Sudáfrica, Perú, Honduras, México, Panamá y Colombia, entre otros países. En la jornada online se abordaron las consecuencias ocasionadas por la contaminación por micotoxinas y las propiedades fundamentales que debe tener un captador de micotoxinas para ser altamente eficaz en la prevención de la micotoxicosis.

Global Vet’s Lab, technical support service now available!

Global Vet’s Lab, desarrollado por Biovet S.A., es un conjunto de servicios de soporte técnico que tiene el objetivo de ofrecer asesoramiento personalizado a cada cliente y a cada región cubriendo al máximo todas las necesidades de la industria animal.

Cimenol ring, natural technology to control zoonosis caused by Campylobacter

In recent years, concern about food safety has increased globally. Several zoonosis control measures have been implemented in slaughterhouses and food processing plants. Despite this, foodborne diseases still are a problem of great impact for the global population.

Air quality control in poultry farms with Alquernat Yucca

Una reducción de la concentración de amoniaco en el ambiente de las explotaciones hasta niveles adecuados evitará la predisposición a padecer diversas enfermedades y estrés que afecte negativamente al desempeño de las aves. Para ello, es imprescindible que el animal consiga reducir la producción y emisión de amoniaco.

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